The Historic Blue River Routes

Low difficulty


0-2 hours

Road – Gravel – MTB – City Bicycle

20-30 Km

100-500 m

From Sesto Calende to where Lake Maggiore and the Ticino meet, the beginning of a cycle track which continues as far as Tornavento, Varese province’s most beautiful village. This is just the first section of a route which continues to Milan, along Naviglio Grande, or to Pavia along Naviglio di Bereguardo. The most attractive section is near the Panperduto dam, still considered to be one of Italy’s most beautiful and complex engineering works. The first part is along the Ticino River before continuing along its canals to Tornavento’s little square, a Ticino valley belvedere with views across to the Mount Rosa massif as well, and a restaurant. The Ticino Park Centre built in a restored former Austro-Hungarian customs post has a restaurant and local produce shop. Questo luogo è anche punto di partenza per la Via Gaggio, un percorso che transita su antiche strade e piste dell’aviazione tedesca con il suo museo a cielo aperto e uno dei lembi più ampi di brughiera rimasti nel sud Europa.This is also the starting point of Via Gaggio, a route which follows historic roads and German aeroplane runways through an open air museum and one of the largest moorlands left in southern Europe.

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