Grand tour alta Val Veddasca

Difficult difficulty


2-4 hours


20-30 Km

500-1000 m

This northernmost of Varese province’s itineraries starts at Lake Delio and winds its way through the Veddasca valley meadows which produce some of the area’s most characteristic products, Formaggella del Luinese cheese. The first section is asphalt road in the direction of Forcora Pass, turning right after 3 km onto a gravel road to the village of Graglio and continuing through all the upper valley villages to Biegno and then on upwards on a gravel road to Canigili di Biegno and then the characteristic village of Monterecchio at an altitude of 1350 metres.
From here on the route – on a beautiful panoramic footpath along the ridge from Mount Sirti to Passo Forcora – is more technical.
The direction is the panoramic footpath which circuits Mount Cadrigna passing from lowland vegetation to meadows and beech woods with breathtaking views of Lake Maggiore and the Piemontese and Swiss foothills and Alps. Approximately halfway along this, an exposed section is best done on foot, carrying your bike.
The route then returns to Passo Forcora on a gravel road in the Alpe Quadra direction and then on to the attractive village of Monti di Pino through beech and birch woods.
The route then returns to Passo Forcora on a gravel road in the Alpe Quadra direction and then on to the attractive village of Monti di Pino through beech and birch woods.
A straightforward footpath along the hillside takes us back to, and along, Lake Delio to the starting point.

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